Alka Gaur Foundation

About Us

While working on the ground, we realised that child education cannot be done in isolation, without ensuring the welfare of the whole family. Health is also a part of education. A child will not go to school if he is sick. If a child’s parents are afflicted with health problems, he might drop-out of school and start earning instead. Unless the mother is healthy and empowered, the child cannot be either. It is all interlinked.

Our other programmes evolved as a logical progression to our education programme – be it livelihood, health or women empowerment. Today, children and education continue to remain at the centre of all we do, but through the lifecycle approach we also address the needs of the children’s families and communities.


Alka Gaur Foundation works towards building healthier and resilient communities through a holistic & pro-active approach of improvement in child nutrition, health & education as well as improving their livelihood and the surrounding nature by enabling the care of mother earth.

“We try to come alongside people and interact with our supporters so that they know that we see them, we’re with them, and we’re in this together.”